Thursday, September 28, 2006

Turbo Command line compiler available

According to Chris Pattinson (Borland/DTG) in this newsgroup thread the command line compiler for registered users of Turbo Professional is now available for download here.

It seems that the command line compiler is needed to install third party components like Developer Express and JVCL.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It's hot out there

Not only the weather, here in the Netherlands, is hot (at least for this time of the year) also BDS2006/Turbo hotfixes are hot. Allen Bauer posted a hotfix-roll-up containing all the hotfixes in one setup. New hotfixes are also added so the total count of hotfixes is now nine. For more information you can also explore this BDN article.

You can only apply this hotfix-rollup to the Turbo Editions, or BDS2006 with Update 2 installed. Previously installed hotfixes (1-6) have no effect on this rollup. I installed the rollup on BDS2006 Update 2 with some hotfixes (1-6) pre-installed and found no issues.

Hot fix 9 addresses some memory leakes of the IDE (QC 22481).  I have not seen (increased) memory usage after applying this hotfix yet, so hotfix 9 is a must have!

You can get the hot-fix-rollup at several places:
Allen Bauers weblog
Turbo Explorer Download page

Monday, September 11, 2006

Go Turbo

Last week the Turbo Explorer editions have been launched. Nothing new here or you must have been living under a rock.
Although I'm personal not intrested in getting the Turbos because I use BDS 2006 I can certainly feel the excitement about it and will advocate it as much as possible. Here are some intresting blogposts from the last week:

Turbomerger is an utility by Andy which allows you to build your own Turbo Explorer Studio so that you can use all personalities (Delphi Win32, Delphi .NET, C++ and C#) on one machine. It seems that this is allowed and that it was only a technical problem to be solved. Great stuff!

ISO Images are set online according to Daniel Wischnewski's blogpost by Delphi Praxis so that you burn your own installation CD's. Even CD labels are provided in PDF format. I think we all should burn a couple and give them away to intrested developers.

Turbo Delphi Explorer from Square one is a document by Jeff Duntemann which might be, according to the website, the beginning of a new book. Jeff Duntemann really inspired me back in the 80's with his Complete Pascal series. His books are a good read and funny. I remember his book on Delphi 1 which included a real novell starring 'Ace Breakpoint'. Intresting to see new work from him.

Bitwise magazine started a new serie 'Introduction into Delphi' is the official home of the Turbos. Stay tuned to this website for more information. You can download the turbos here or go to one of the available mirrors.

More Turbo info from Borland:
Places to buy Turbo Professional
The Turbo Editions FAQ

Use an image as your UIBarButtonItem

Using an image as your UIBarButtonItem in your navigationcontroller bar can only be achieved by using a common UIButton as the BarButtonItem...